This book deals with the process that leads to innovations. It provides an overall method for innovating in companies. As the method originated in Delft, it is called The Delft Innovation Method.
It consists of five interconnected elements:
1. a general model of the corporate innovation process;
2. a facilitative leadership style;
3. a diversely composed innovation team;
4. the use of creative techniques;
5. the connection of the company to the external world.
The Delft Innovation Method is written in a basic style, with clarifying examples and illustrations. It should start a learning process on corporate product- and service-innovation.
The metaphor of going on an innovation discovery tour is used for structuring the book. Chapter 1 offers a general description of the future innovation country. Chapter 2 offers a detailed roadmap of that country. In chapter 3 details are given about how to organize this trip and how to find fellow travelers.
This book is meant for novices in the innovation field. It is aimed at design and business students, and at people working in companies who are going to be involved in innovation processes for the first time. Moreover, it will serve their bosses and colleagues.
Horst Geschka (Technische Universität Darmstad) about The Delft Innovation Method: 'What an exciting book. I like the easy understandable way you describe theoretical theses of innovation management and the obvious examples you give as explanations. The book reads easy, but is nevertheless rich in context.'
An exclusive interview with Jan Buijs about his publication The Delft Innovation Method - "Turn the Page (TTP)" by Study Association i.d. Delft juli 2012
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